




Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party assists in helping parties to reach a mutual agreement that considers each of their perspectives.  The mediator does not make decisions or provide legal advice, but facilitates communication between the parties in a safe, comfortable setting.

Mediation is used in many different situations, such as workplace disputes, consumer issues, and landlord-tenant disagreements.  Aspen Mediation specializes in dealing with domestic or family-related disputes.  These may include issues such as: divorce and divorce modification; child custody and parent-time; and other disagreements often encountered by separated or divorced parents.  

Don’t look back,
you’re not going that way.

Litigation vs. Mediation

If you have already had some experience with litigation, you know that much of it focuses on the past – what happened, when it occurred, and who did what to whom.  In contrast, mediation focuses on the future – now that we’re here, what can we do about it?