Mediation usually saves time and is less expensive than other methods of resolving disputes.

Time and cost efficient

A solution is reached that is acceptable to both parties, rather than having a third party, such as a commissioner or judge make decisions about your family.

You control the outcome

The process of mediation is confidential.  Information regarding conversations that occur during mediation cannot be shared with others, and cannot be used in subsequent Court hearings or trials.

Mediation is private

Mediation often results in more lasting agreements between parties because they have reached a consensus, rather than having a solution imposed on them.  In addition, domestic mediation can address smaller family issues that are not appropriate for the Court. 

Reduction in conflict

Mediation occurs in a quiet, comfortable environment that allows all parties to express their opinions and share their individual perspectives. 

Safe and supportive environment

Regardless of your difficult history with your former partner, you will always have some relationship with them as parents.  Mediation helps to build the basis for improved future communication and co-parenting, ultimately helping the people who matter most, your children.

Mediation helps to preserve relationships